Monday, March 29, 2010


You know I was once a star
A star in their skies
They pointed at me from their shanty towns
Far far away
Into the intestines of the country
And said I was theirs...
Owned by them
I owed them
My shine
Their gaze
My haze.

I had a job once!

One day the star in my eyes vanished
I opened my eyes
To a bright, beautiful world of mine
A world of thorns,
Of stones
Of water
And of the night.
A world of fields
And of the villages
To which I belonged.
I left the city

I left my job!

Today I thrive
Strive to thrive
In the clouds of my own doing.
I find my star
In the bright sunlight
Scorched by satisfaction
And still not see it.
In the night
They miss it.

And we continue
They, on the moon
From where they keep falling
Onto the earth
To die
One death after another

I, on the sun
Where I write
I live.